State officials are urging the public to keep an eye out for next year's gypsy moth infestations. Mark Guthmiller with the Department of Natural Resources says early fall marks the perfect time to go looking for gypsy moth eggs that may be stashed across the state. The egg masses are about an inch long, with a golden color to them. Guthmiller says they can be hidden just about anywhere, but common places to look include on tree bark, under branches, and under outdoor furniture.

Individuals who find egg masses can try to get rid of them on their own, using hot water or even oils to smother the eggs. They're also urged to report sighting to the state, so DNR officials can determine where suppression spraying programs need to be targeted in the spring.

A state website also includes tips for getting rid of moth eggs you may find.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 1:02)

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