The Department of Natural Resources hopes hunters will take advantage of extended call center hours this weekend.

As the gun deer hunt gets underway across the state, the DNR's Kevin Huggins says call center staff will be standing by to help answer any questions they may have about state rules and regulations. The agency recently expanded the resource by having the call center open seven days a week, from 7 AM until 10 PM. A toll free call number is also being made available, at 1-888-WDNR-INFO.

Huggins says the extended hours, which began earlier this year, are intended to make sure the public can access important information when they need it. Callers can find out information on issues such as hunting restrictions. Huggins says that they've already had a call from one hunter who was in a tree stand at the time, and what clarification on a bow hunting rule.

In addition to more hours, Huggins says the DNR also added new services such as Spanish and Hmong language options and online chat features. 

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 :56)

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