The Governor has vetoed legislation that would have stripped his office of the power to appoint the Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources.

Governor Doyle used his veto pen on the bill Friday, saying Wisconsin’s people and natural resources are best served by allowing his office to appoint the Secretary. The bill would have allowed the Natural Resources Board to appoint the Secretary, which supporters say is needed to get politics out of the agency.

But in his veto message, Doyle said allowing his office to have a direct stake in the DNR has resulted in many major environmental measures being passed. Those include new mercury standards, expanding the Stewardship program, and approving the Great Lakes Compact.

State Representative Spencer Black (D-Madison), who sponsored the bill, says he’s disappointed in the governor’s decision. Black says environmental policies should be based on science, not politicians and special interests. He plans to ask the Assembly Speaker to schedule a vote to attempt an override of the governor’s veto.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 :47)

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