The American Medical Association has opened up to the idea of researching cannabis-based medicine, a reversal in its long standing policy. Gary Storck, Communications Director of Is My Medicine Legal Yet, is hoping state lawmakers will take note. “This can only help our efforts in Wisconsin,” he says.

State Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Waunakee) and State Representative Mark Pocan (D-Madison) are backing a plan to legalize the drug for medicinal use. Previous attempts in the legislature have not gone far. Storck adds groups opposed to the idea in the state, such as the Wisconsin Medical Society, have generally followed the AMA’s stance.

The Madison based activist is pleased with President Obama’s action so far on the issue. Last month, the President ordered federal agents not to arrest medical marijuana users and providers who follow state law. When questioned about the raid moratorium, Governor Doyle said he favors legalizing medical marijuana in Wisconsin, if its use is restricted to people who have a doctor’s prescription.

In July, Obama’s drug czar Gil Kerlikowske said “Marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit,” while discussing a law enforcement effort in Fresno County, California.

AUDIO: Brian Moon reports (MP3 :58)

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