There was chaos in the Forest County 911 call center in the early morning hours of October 7th, as calls came in reporting shots fired in Crandon. Those calls lead to a gruesome discovery of six people killed and another injured by Sheriff's Deputy Tyler Peterson.
The Department of Justice on Thursday released audio from 13 calls to 911 received just after the shooting, and during the search for Peterson. Many of those calls were from residents living around the duplex where the shootings took place.
In the background of one call, a police officer responding to the scene can be heard just after Peterson opened fire on him. The officer says Peterson was “shooting towards people.”
Several callers wanted to know if it was safe to leave their homes, although dispatchers said they could not release information at the time. Others reported sightings of Peterson, as police continued their search.
Finally, two calls were released from Special Agent Jody Wormet, who calls to request medical help shortly after police say they shot Peterson in the left bicep. Wormet calls back just a minute later to report the “subject is down.”
The DOJ says it is not releasing any additional tapes that may impede an “ongoing criminal investigation.”