A new report on domestic violence from the Department of Justice should serve as a “wake up call” to the people of Wisconsin. Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence executive director Patti Seger says the over 25,000 cases reported across Wisconsin in 2006 show how common the problem has become. She says just about everybody in the state knows someone at this point who is a victim of domestic violence.

Seger says the numbers are largely consistent with recent years. However, many cases remain unreported and those sent on to prosecutors are really just the tip of the iceberg.

Seger says it's important for victims of domestic abuse to know there is help out there. She says every county and reservation in the state has some sort of service available to help victims.

The data released by the DOJ is based on cases referred to District Attorneys' offices statewide.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 :58)

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