The Jim Doyle campaign has responded to the federal indictment of a top contributor. With Kenohsa businessman Dennis Troha facing charges for fraud and lying to federal investigators, Doyle campaign spokesman Anson Kaye says they treated donations from Troha as they would any others. “When they came in the campaign did exactly what it is supposed to do, which is to report them and to disclose them fully,” says Kaye. 

Troha and other members of his family were big contributors to Doyle. Until this week, Troha was a major player in a proposed Kenosha casino project, something Doyle may eventually have to grant approval to. “He (Doyle) makes these kinds of decisions on the merits,” says Kaye. “This is not a matter that's come before the governor's office and it may not come before the governor. So that's simply not a factor here.”

Kaye says the Doyle campaign has been cooperative with the U.S. attorney's office in Milwaukee. The Doyle campaign also notes Troha family members have contributed to GOP politicians, including former Governor Tommy Thompson and President George W. Bush.

AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:60 MP3)

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