If you’re a Jim Doyle campaign contribute who’d like your money back, you may be in luck. With a reelection campaign no longer in the cards, Governor Jim Doyle now has decisions to make about what to do with the roughly two million dollars in his campaign fund. “We have made it clear to any donor who wants to have it returned that we will return a portion of it, because obviously some of it has already been spent,” said Doyle, adding that thus far, there hasn’t been a lot of call for refunds.
AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:55 MP3)
That leaves the governor, who announced in August that he won’t be seeking a third term, some discretion on how to use the money. “I intend to use what funds I have in my campaign account to really push forward on things that I care a lot about,” Doyle said. “I want to make sure that we get candidates elected that are really supportive of agenda that I’ve laid out.”