Governor Jim Doyle hopes the state will continue moving ahead as a leader in stem cell research.
Wisconsin has seen work with stem cells boom under Governor Doyle, with the UW-Madison adding facilities to explore the science and private companies locating here so they can be closer to that research and talent.
Doyle says it has created hope for scientific discoveries that could cure diseases many thought could only be treated before, such as diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease. He says it has also been a significant contributor to the state’s economy.
The future of that work remains in question though under Governor-elect Scott Walker, who says he favors work with adult stem cells instead of embryonic lines. Most researchers say work with both is necessary. Doyle hopes science overcomes the politics of the issue.
The outgoing Governor says he has fought hard to make Wisconsin a leader in stem cell research, and he believes the work is supported by most people living in the state.