Governor Jim Doyle reacted this afternoon, to the news that two Wisconsin soldiers were killed, and two others wounded, in the Fort Hood shooting rampage. The Governor noted that the Wisconsin Army National Guard’s 467th Medical Company had recently arrived at Fort Hood for pre-deployment training, and said it’s beleived all four soldiers were members of that unit.
AUDIO: Governor Jim Doyle (:30 MP3)
Doyle said he was awaiting comfirmation from the Department of Defense, but media reports indentified the dead as Amy Krueger of Kiel and Russell Seager of Racine, and Grant Moxon of Lodi and Amber Bahr of Random Lake, who were wounded in the attack.
Following an executive order from Doyle, flags at Wisconsin National Guard armories, air bases and other facilities across the state will fly at half-staff through sunset Novevmber 11 in honor of the victims of the shootings at Fort Hood.