Governor Jim Doyle tells members of the Wisconsin Hospital Association that the Badger State could lead the way in creating a so-called ‘exchange’ — or marketplace — for small businesses and individuals to pool their buying power and shop around for competitive health insurance rates, as mandated by federal law.
“We have done a lot of work in Wisconsin already in preparation for an exchange. And we are a state that now is particularly well-suited to be a state that leads the nation in establishing that exchange.”
The governor says there are federal funds available for another one of his visions, it has to do with sharing medical records.
“I have said from the beginning, I want Wisconsin to be the state that stands up and says that we have the first full universal integrated electronic medical record system in the United States, and we are in a position to do that.”
Doyle tells the group that Wisconsin is the number one state in the country for quality health care. And he says, we’re number two in the country, right after Massachusetts, in the percentage of people who are covered. Doyle says, like it or not, it’s the law of the land and it’s important to use every aspect of the law to bring the greatest benefit to Wisconsin citizens.
Doyle addressed over 600 members of the Wisconsin Hospital Association at the group’s advocacy day in Madison.
Jackie Johnson report 1:25