Legislative Democrats are pushing for the repeal of a state law that’s less than a month old.

State Representative Chris Taylor (D-Madison) is heading an effort to overturn a law that requires women seeking an abortion to have an ultrasound of the fetus performed before the procedure. She says Democrats will do everything in their power to make sure “personal private health care decisions remain personal and private.”

The original bill was approved by the Legislature in June and signed in to law by Governor Walker on July 5th. Taylor admits her proposal is a long shot under the current Republican majority, but she feels an obligation to make the effort. She says “even if this is not going to go anywhere this session, it will one day.”

AUDIO: Rep. Chris Taylor (:13)

Supporters of the ultrasound requirement argue it will make sure women considering an abortion have access to more information, when faced with a difficult and life-ending decision. Critics contend the rule is nothing more than an attempt to humiliate and degrade women who are seeking a legal medical procedure. Taylor calls the mandate a “political bludgeon.”

Taylor’s bill would also repeal a requirement that doctors performing abortions have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. The enforcement of that rule is currently on hold, due to a judge’s order in an ongoing federal lawsuit.

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