The federal government will cover almost all of the costs, to repair the Leo Frigo bridge in Green Bay. Governor Walker announced that the Federal Highway Administration approved his emergency aid request for the bridge.

The funds will cover all emergency fixes, and 90 percent of any permanent repairs, for the first 180 days of the project. The timeline dates back to September 25, when one of the support piers sank about two feet, into the ground. DOT spokesman Kim Rudat says officials think the repairs will cost about $50 million.

Once the 180-day period runs out, the federal government will still cover 90 percent of the costs. Rudat says he isn’t sure if they’ll have to replace any of the bridge’s support piers. DOT officials say the pier that sank last week, settled an additional half-inch overnight. Crews will set up towers in the next few weeks, to support the sagging stretch of the bridge.



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