Governor Tony Evers

Governor Tony Evers defends his proposed $91 billion state budget. On WKOW‘s “Capitol City Sunday,” Evers characterized his two year spending plan as a responsible reasonable response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“I understand the numbers might be jarring, but the fact of the matter is we have an obligation as a state to really help our economy move forward and especially small businesses,” the governor said.

Also on “Capitol City Sunday,” Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu said Republicans won’t spend anywhere near what Evers wants.

Senator Devin LeMahieu

“Eight billion dollars in spending increases – that’s just unacceptable in the environment we’re in,” LeMahieu said. “We’ll make sure we make investments in core priorities just as medical care and infrastructure.”

Republicans also quickly rejected policy changes Evers put in the budget, including language to legalize marijuana.

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