Fall college graduation has provided another pool of Wisconsinites looking for a job. However recent graduates feel that with an abundance of experienced potential candidates out of work, they’ll be passed over in hiring. Laura Kestner, Marquette University Career Services Director, says this is a misconception as employers overwhelmingly tell her they will reserve entry level positions for recent grads. 

Kestner says businesses look favorably at young applicants’ lower salary requirements and willingness to be groomed in accordance to company ways. The biggest complaint she hears though is a lack of interview preparation from candidates, both young and old.

“Learn what they (hiring companies) do, learn who their competitors are. Being prepared to answer questions,” says Kestner.

The career advisor says firms of fewer than 500 employees are the places most likely to hire new graduates. But says those companies may only hire one person at a time, meaning they won’t conduct massive candidate searches. Therefore she says networking becomes important to find these prospects.

Brian Moon reports (:63)


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