Now that the approximate trillion dollar farm bill is signed into law, what next?

Even though farming lobbiests don’t have to worry about another farm bill for five years, Karen Gefvert with the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation says there’s no time to slack off, there are many other farm-related issues to address, such as immigration reform.

“Agriculture has a need for labor workers, especially Wisconsin’s livestock and dairy farms.”

Farmers need to know that their employees can be depended upon to get the job done, and Gefvert says immigrant laborers are willing to work.

“We’re talking about taking care of animals and that has to happen 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.” So, Gefvert says, “It is not easy work and farmers are looking for a labor force that is going to work hard.”

Not only work hard, she says, but also reliably get to work every day. Gefvert says they’re also paying close attention to the Water Resource Development Act.

President Obama signed the $956 billion farm bill into law last Friday in Michigan.

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