Maybe it was a combination of sheer luck or the fact that he was really drunk, but a man in Fond du Lac has a story to tell about being run over by a train. Fire Battalion Chief Larry Wunsch says normally when they get a call about someone being run over by a train they arrive to a gruesome scene. “Usually when we come on those scenes, I mean, there’s not much there,” says Wunsch, adding that the man “decided to take a little nap between the rails.”

The 30 to 40-year-old man was sleeping on tracks at the 9th Street crossing Thursday night when the train went through. Police say the engineer swears he ran over the man, but Wunsch says the sleeper came through the incident no worse for wear. “There wasn’t a scratch on him,” says Wunch, adding that the man stood up on the side of the stopped engine looking like he’d just gotten out of bed.

By sleeping on the tracks the man was technically trespassing on railroad property. In this case however, officers took him into custody so he could be evaluated at a hospital.

KFIZ’s Bob Nelson submitted this report

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