US Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) is on a "get out the vote" tour to University of Wisconsin campuses around the state. Democrats have credited campus turnout for several key victories in the 2006 legislative election including wins in the Eau Claire area which gave the party control of the State Senate. Republicans have accused campus Democrats of getting students to vote both in their campus community and in their home elections. Feingold says the allegations of voter fraud are away to intimidate young people from voting.

"The rules have to be followed but usually when these fraud allegations have been made they have not been able to prove massive fraud."

He calls voting a sacred right in which young people should be encouraged to participate.

The Democratic Senator stopped in River Falls, La Crosse and Menomonee Monday and visits eight other campuses Tuesday. He's also been meeting with Democratic legislative candidates on his college campus tour.

Campus Democrats have been urging students to not only vote for the presidency but also vote in all of the contests on the November 4th ballot.

Contributed by Jeff Petersen-WIXK

AUDIO: Brian Moon reports (MP3 :75)

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