Former Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert Weakland routinely shredded reports regarding sexual abuse by priests. That’s according to formerly sealed testimony now in the hands of the Milwaukee County district attorney’s office. Peter Isley is Midwest director of the Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priest, or SNAP, and he says testimony on the shredded reports, which were compiled by a member of Weakland’s staff, includes direct admissions of the sexual assault of children by priests in the Milwaukee Archdiocese.


Isley says members of SNAP have met with D.A. John Chisholm and have been assured of an investigation. As for incoming Archbishop Jerome Listecki, Isley says he doesn’t appear to have time for the issue. “It’s the holidays, he’s leaving La Crosse, coming to Milwaukee, he just doesn’t have the time. So, we haven’t heard anything from him. We keep reaching out to him, and making these requests.” Isley says Listecki has yet to meet with the survivor’s group or address their concerns.

Bob Hague (:60) AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:65 MP3)

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