The free lunch program in Wisconsin public schools is a priority as more kids depend on that food.
The food kids eat at school is often times the best meal of the day for some students.
“Oh, absolutely. There are many stories that I’ve heard over the years, especially this year, where the hot lunch and breakfast, if they have breakfast, programs the highest enrollment is on Mondays because clearly the families are not able to afford food even on weekends.”
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Superintendent Tony Evers says schools and libraries are safe places for children, and that includes meal time. The number of kids eligible for free or reduced-price school lunches has increased to nearly 40% compared to about 30% in 2000.
Evers says, considering the recession and job loss, it could get worse before it gets better.
Despite having to cut corners to save money, Evers is not willing to skimp on school lunches. He hopes to work with legislators to make a renewed commitment on funding for public schools and the free lunch program.