A former U.S. Marine Corps captain and a Green Bay native says he’s running for Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District seat. Mike Gallagher formally announced his bid Sunday.
“We cannot accept a future in which a broken tax code and out-of-control regulations slowly strangle the middle-class and, with it, the American dream,” Gallagher said in a statement. “We cannot accept a future where the federal government increasingly meddles in our daily lives and threatens the constitutional liberties we’ve fought and bled for. We cannot accept a scenario where we bankrupt the country and send the bill to the next generation, and that generation loses a sense of how special it is to be an American.”
Gallagher was deployed to Iraq twice and served as a commander of intelligence teams during his military service. He plans to make an 11-county tour in 11 days to get his name out there.
Last month, Congressman Reid Ribble announced he would not seek re-election. Other candidates include Republicans Terry McNulty, Wisconsin State Senator Frank Lasee, and Independent Wendy Gribben. So far, no Democrats have announced.