Ramping up the process to find a successor to Kevin Reilly, the University of Wisconsin System has a Web page where the public can follow the hiring process for a new president.

Kevin Reilly announced in July that he’ll leave at the end of the year, and system spokesman David Giroux said the wheels are in motion to find the next president of the 26-campus system.

“We’ve got the information out to all the major publications that cover higher education in the United States. We’ve launched our website. We hope to get the applications and nomination in later this fall to begin the screening process,” said Giroux.

The goal is to have five finalists for consideration by the selection committee. Sometime in the spring or summer of 2014, the next UW System president should be in office.

“Depending on who that individual is, and where they are now, some of them may be able to start very soon, some of them may need a few months before they can move to Wisconsin,” Giroux said. “So the actual start date is a little fluid.”

Reilly is leaving after nine years at the helm of the UW System. He’ll become an adviser for the American Council on Education.


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