As children across the state register for a new school year, several districts are offering some the chance to sign up for health care coverage.

As of 2006, an estimated 98,000 children in Wisconsin had no health insurance. As enrollment for a new school year begins, Covering Kids and Families is trying to reduce that number by setting children up with the state's BadgerCare Plus program. An expanded version of the program, launched in February, makes coverage available to all children in the state.

Project coordinator Michael Jacob says local health and school officials are meeting with parents during registration days, so they can find out how to sign their kids up. Jacob says it's important to make sure kids don't have to worry about missing school because of an injury or illness they can't seek treatment for.

The Madison school district is among those targeted by the program. Superintendent Dan Nerad says it's important for families to know that affordable and quality health care coverage is available. He says it's unacceptable for kids not to be covered when the state makes it easily available.

The group is urging parents of any uninsured children to contact their local health department to see if they qualify for BadgerCare Plus coverage. 

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 1:11)

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