Hand sanitation stations have been removed from some areas of Madison’s city-county building. “Alcoholics, people who are abusing alcohol, have found out that there’s alcohol in it and choose to consume it to become intoxicated,” said Madison Police Lieutenant Dave McCaw. “You could fairly say that daily we’re dealing with somebody who has become incapacitated by drinking it or having medical issues.”
“The alcohol content is so high, you’re ingesting a poisonous dose before you start feeling that effect that you’re going for,” said Jeffery Lafferty with Public Health-Madison & Dane County. “You can get a pretty big dose. It can do liver damage, it can cause damage to your nervous system or brain. If you ingest enough it can be fatal.” The gooey liquid can be twice as strong as vodka – 120 proof on the low end.
“It’s a rock bottom situation, where the people who are doing this are truly at the bottom,” said McCaw. Public hand sanitizing stations have now been removed from the first floor of the city-county building because of the problem.