The Do Not Call list has proven to be an popular way for Wisconsinites to avoid telemarketers. However State Representative Kelda Helen Roys (D-Madison) says some unscrupulous companies continue to contact names on the list. She claims

Roys is the Assembly’s lead sponsor of a bill by Senator John Erpenbach (D-Waunakee) that would increase the maximum fine for violators to $10,000. The minimum fine would remain at $100, an earlier proposal to increase the minimum penalty to $1,000 was knocked out by a Senate committee.

Roys also says the legislation allows consumers more flexibility to file private lawsuits against harassing companies

Certain exemptions such as your credit card company, politicians and the government would still exist under the proposal which received a hearing Wednesday before the Assembly Consumer Protection Committee.

AUDIO: Brian Moon reports (MP3 :67)

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