Republicans on Wisconsin’s House delegation weighed in Tuesday, on the health care health care reform bill from House Democrats. Last week they delivered copies of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s nearly two thousand page health care reform bill to their districts. This week House Republicans, including Fond du Lac’s Tom Petri, are spelling out their opposition. On the House floor, Petri said reform IS needed, “but, it shouldn’t come at the expense of the public’s number one concern, the gut punch of joblessness.
AUDIO: Bob Hague reports (:65 MP3)
Congressman Jim Sesenbrenner of Menomonee Falls said the federal government needs to cut waste, fraud and abuse before raising taxes to pay for another program. Petri said he Pelosi plan will have the effect of breaking President Obama’s promise that “you can keep what you have,” and more. “It allows for government funding of abortion, and there’s no real liability reform,” said Petri. We need health care reform, but we can do better than this.”
Janesville Congressman Paul Ryan said the health care debate in Washington is one sided, and that Republicans will continue to offer better, fiscally responsible alternatives.