Republicans still believe the President is visiting Wisconsin for one reason only.
Republican Party of Wisconsin Chairman Reince Preibus says both President Barack Obama and Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle realize how important it is to help convince the undecided Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett to jump into the state gubernatorial race.
“In my view this is nothing more than an attempt to get Mayor Barrett into this governor’s race while the Democrats in Wisconsin are sucking for air. They’ve just got beat out east, they don’t have a governor candidate in the state of Wisconsin, they don’t have many legislative candidates to speak of, and now Barack Obama comes into town to try to save the day.”
Obama discusses education at Wright Middle School in Madison, and promotes the Race-to-the-Top initiative, but if the goal is to push the former Congressman from Milwaukee into the race, why not just go to Milwaukee? Preibus says Obama is in Madison under the guise of education, saying the race-to-the-top funding is just a cloak behind the attempt to save a sinking ship.
“Quite frankly, Barack Obama isn’t doing so great around the country and if New Jersey is any indication … we’d love to have Barack Obama come to Wisconsin every week because it seems like every time he makes an appearance the folks that he’s trying to help are sinking further and further in the toilet.”
Preibus referring to New Jersey’s election, in which Obama has campaigned heavily for Governor Jon Corzine, but the Democrat was ousted by voters who opted for the GOP candidate. The same is true for Virginia.