More tough talk on taxes, from Assembly Republicans. GOP negotiators on the budget conference committee made it clear once again Thursday, on where they stand on taxes contained in the Senate version of the state budget . "We have told you that we cannot accept $18 billion in tax increases," said Republican Representative Kitty Rhoades of Hudson. Assembly Speaker Mike Huebsch of La Crosse reiterated the point he made to Democrats led by state Senator Judy Robson : "how long will it take for me to explain to them that they're not going to get $18 billion in tax increases?" (Republicans have included the payroll tax that Democrats use to pay for their Healthy Wisconsin initiative in that $18 billion, while Democrats maintain the universal health care plan represents a net savings to taxpayers.) The comments came after Republicans on the budget panel said they'll bring a package to the Assembly floor next week, to fund K-12 education and shared revenue to local governments . Huebsch challenged Senate Democrats to also pass that portion of the budget and send it to Governor Jim Doyle.