As students head back to class, Governor Jim Doyle wants them to promise they'll succeed in school. The Governor is again urging 9th grade students to sign the Wisconsin Covenant , which offers them admission to a UW school and tuition help, if they keep and graduate with a 'B' average through high school.

The Governor and members of his cabinet are touring the state in the first days of the school year, urging students to sign the agreement by September 14th. Doyle says the future of the state depends on those students doing well in school and going on to college.

The Republican version of the budget doesn't include funding for many of the promises the Wisconsin Covenant is offering students. However, Doyle says he's not worried about letting students down. He's confident the UW System will continue to grow and financial aid will be allowed to expand.

Doyle met Tuesday morning with students in Madison and Milwaukee.

AUDIO: Andrew Beckett reports (MP3 1:11)

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