Wisconsin's governor is going under the knife.

Governor Jim Doyle is going to have his hip worked on this week, but we don't know all the details just yet. “Well, just that, the next couple of days I'm gonna get myself ready to be a great basketball player again,” the governor jokes.

The governor is 61-years old, but hip surgery patients are getting younger all the time as their active lifestyles put a lot of wear and tear on their bodies, and they hope to maintain their active lifestyle as long as they can. Tour de France champion Floyd Landis recently had hip surgery at just 30-years of age. Doyle says he's been thinking about this procedure for a while. “Ahh, yeah. It's been a while.”

Some hip surgery patients procrastinate having the procedure for as long as they possibly can, but after having the surgery they regret not having it sooner. Doyle says he's ready to get it done. “Well, I did plenty of procrastinating on it, so.”

The governor didn't provide any other details, due to security concerns, but said he'll bring us up-to-date real soon. Because of the surgery, Doyle will miss the National Governor's Association conference in Washington, D.C., that gets underway this weekend and goes through the end of the month.

Audio: Jackie Johnson report (1:11 MP3)

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