Governor Doyle makes a stop in Hudson, to meet with supporters of a statewide ban on smoking in public places. Hudson is a border community, where some bars are actively promoting themselves to nearby Minnesotans upset with the Gopher state's ban on smoking.

Doyle says he's heard the stories of angry smokers and those supporting a proposed statewide ban for Wisconsin. However, he questions why people who work in bars should be forced to work in an unhealthy environment.

On Tuesday, the Senate health committee approved a version of the ban that gives bars a two year exemption from a statewide smoking ban. Doyle disagrees with that version, saying it moves in the wrong direction. However, the Governor also says he'd be happy to have the legislation on his desk.

Doyle declined to criticize the Tavern League, which is opposed to a statewide ban. The Governor believes that not all bar owners are opposed to the proposal and realize it's only a matter of time before a ban moves forward. 

AUDIO: Jeff Petersen reports (MP3 1:21)

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