Wisconsin's governor and academic leaders make a commitment to education, despite a kid's ability to pay. Governor Jim Doyle says students who participate in the Wisconsin Covenant are making a promise in 8th grade to earn a high school diploma, participate in their community, maintain a B average, and apply for financial aid … in exchange for higher education. ?If you do your part in high school, we?ll do our part. And we?ll guarantee you a spot in higher education and a financial package to help you pay for it.?

State Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster promises the kids, if they stay on the right path, access to higher education will be attainable and affordable to them. ?You can work on achieving that dream and that?s what the Wisconsin Covenant is all about. It is a promise and it?s an agreement that if you hold up your end of the deal, that we will, too.?

Students must be good citizens to qualify, which isn't clearly defined. But Doyle says obviously a student would not qualify for this deal if there were a major law violation. He says volunteer work is a big part of the equation, along with schoolwork. ?I sometimes joke with you guys. I?ve talked to a lot of eighth grade classes and they?ll ask me, ?what does being a good citizen mean?? and I?ll say if you ever once talk back to your parents in high school this deal?s off.?

Related web sites:
Wisconsin Covenant (pdf)

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