Jim Doyle wins one of the most expensive gubernatorial races in Wisconsin history. With his win four years ago, Governor Doyle becomes the first Democratic governor in Wisconsin in 16 years. Tuesday, he becomes the first Democratic governor to be re-elected in 32 years. Doyle enjoys a roaring response at the Marriot West in Middleton when he talks about moving the state forward with stem cell research. "Because of your help here today, we have made sure today that Wisconsin will remain the nation's leader in stem cell research."
Now that the campaigning is behind him, Doyle looks to the future of Wisconsin. He says the people want a governor who stands with real, ordinary people, and working families. "So together, with your help, we will keep fighting for Wisconsin's working families, for our seniors, for our students, for the environment, for decent wages, efficient government, for clean government, and the simple but powerful idea that in Wisconsin every person should be able to go as far as their hard work and talent will take them."
Doyle thanks the people of Wisconsin for the faith they've put in him to serve another four years. Says he's humbled and honored. "Every day I wake up as governor with even a deeper appreciation and love for this incredible state. Every day I thank God for the blessings that He has given all of us to live in this incredible place. And I promise you that every day I will work my hardest to make this state the best that it can possibly be."
The governor also thanked Congressman Mark Green for his service in our state legislature and in Congress.