Gov. Scott Walker (WRN file photo)

Gov. Scott Walker (WRN file photo)

Governor Scott Walker has doubts about the benefits a visit to Wisconsin by President Obama would have for his Democratic challenger.

Democrat Mary Burke’s campaign has said they are working having the president campaign for her in Wisconsin during the week before the election, although no date or location have been mentioned yet. Burke has already had First Lady of the U.S. Michelle Obama in the state twice to campaign for her.

During a stop in Weston on Monday, Governor Scott Walker questioned whether a visit by President Obama would help Burke at all, given the polarized opinion many in the state have about the costs of Obamacare and other programs being pushed the Obama administration. Walker said “I think there’s a reason his popularity is way down, and I don’t think it’s going to be a boon for them.”

AUDIO: Gov. Scott Walker responds to possible presidential visit (:42)

As for whether he’s hoping to match the star power of a presidential visit, Walker declined to name any outside help that might join him on the campaign trail. “I believe this election is not about celebrities, it’s about me talking to directly to the voters, and so I’m not looking to match that,” Walker said, adding that “in fact, I think President Obama coming in for my opponent is a liability.”

Burke for Wisconsin communications director Joe Zepecki responded to Walker’s comments in a statement:

“We’re excited to have the President visit before the Election and hope to announce details of his visit soon. Certainly doesn’t surprise us that a career politician desperate to distract from his failure to create the jobs he promised would resort to such silliness. The simple fact is that under Governor Walker, Wisconsin is dead last in the midwest in terms of private sector job creation, has a ballooning $1.8 billion structural deficit and a lagging economy. Governor Walker’s top down approach is not working, it is time for a new direction with Mary Burke.”

WSAU’s Larry Lee contributed to this report.

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