Graduation rates continue to improve in Wisconsin. Statewide public school graduation rates continued an upward trend, improving 2.3 percentage points between the 2009-10 and 2012-13 school years. The class of 2013 had a four-year graduation rate of 88 percent, five-tenths of a point higher than the prior year.

“We’re continuing to see a trajectory that’s upward, and I think that’s a great reflection on the students of our state,” said DPI Superintendent Tony Evers.

Evers said the data confirms a recent national report that puts Wisconsin among the tops in the nation for graduation rates, although there’s still room for improvement. “We still have graduation gaps between children of color and their peers, and economically disadvantaged kids and their peers.”

The National Center for Education Statistics put Wisconsin tied for second in the nation in 2012 with Nebraska, Texas, and Vermont. Iowa’s best in the nation graduation rate for 2012 was 89 percent.


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