The city of Green Bay may be in for a fight with the Freedom From Religion Foundation over a Christmas display. A nativity scene is set up above one of the entrances to Green Bay's city hall after the city's advisory committee gave the display preliminary approval. City Council President Chad Fradette wanted the nativity display set up to provoke the Freedom From Religion Foundation, after the group threatened legal action against Peshtigo when a nativity display was allowed in a city park. Annie Laurie Gaylor from the foundation says her group is sending a letter to Green Bay, telling them that the nativity scene is illegal. She says the display shows the city is promoting one religion over others, even though symbols from other religions will be allowed.

Fradette says the areas above city hall entrances are being used as a public forum, and says the Alliance Defense Fund will defend the city if the Freedom From Religion Foundation takes legal action. The full city council is expected to make a decision on the nativity display next week.

AUDIO: Rick Schuh reports (:65 MP3)

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