Wisconsin Congressman Glenn Grothman has officially been a House member for a day, but already is being criticized for voting to support John Boehner as Speaker. The Campbellsport Republican is firing back.

“What exactly do these people think is going to happen? Do they think if you had 40 votes for (Representative Louie) Gohmert from Texas, all of a sudden Gohmert would be the speaker? No. There would be no leader. It would be chaos.”

AUDIO: Rep. Glenn Grothman :36

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson criticized Grothman‘s vote supporting Boehner, claiming that Grothman’s conservative bent is “all talk.” Grothman said that if the party wanted to replace Boehner, the time for that should have been right after the November elections.

“But in November, John Boehner won the election, and if you turn around and vote against John Boehner in January, it doesn’t mean Louie Gohmert is speaker. It means there is chaos,” Grothman said. “You would not have the vote on the Keystone pipeline, you would not have the votes on Obamacare, you would not have a vote on a budget with less spending . . . you would have no Republican majority at all.”

Grothman conceded that Boehner “is a little bit more ‘establishmentee’ than I would like,” but he’s willing to give him a chance.

Jeff Flynt WTAQ

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