Instagram screen shot

Instagram screen shot

A social media posting by a member of the Wisconsin National Guard has drawn outrage and threats.

Wisconsin National Guard spokesman, Major Paul Rickert, says they became aware of the inappropriate posting on Monday, and have taken action. “There is an investigation that was started this morning, that is looking into the matter,” said Rickert. “The soldier has been suspended from funeral honor details, pending the outcome of that.”

The photo depicts a group of smiling Guard members from various states posed around an empty, flag draped casket at a training facility in Arkansas, with the caption “We put the FUN in funeral.”

Rickert says the original posting has been left on-line to allow people to vent their emotions on the matter – but the Guard is deleting threats of violence.

“The soldier has recieved death threats,” he said. “While we do not condone the pictures or excuse the comments, we can also cannot condone or excuse threats made to service members or their families.”

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