Law enforcement agencies are keeping a close eye on motorists through the holiday weekend.
As holiday travelers and deer hunters hit the highways, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation works to ensure the safety of everyone on the roads throughout the deer hunting and Thanksgiving holiday period.
“Law enforcement agencies across the state will be out in force watching for those who are speeding, not wearing their seatbelts, maybe drinking and driving.”
The DOT’s Michael Goetzman says traffic deaths were down last year during Thanksgiving, and he hopes that will continue to be the trend.
“Last year we had nine people killed in traffic crashes during the four-day Thanksgiving holiday period. That’s down five from the five-year average of 14, so we’re hopeful that that kind of a tren will continue.”
Goetzman attributes the lower number of traffic fatalities to safer cars, the primary seatbelt law, and generally smarter drivers.
Motorists might encounter only limited road construction and lane restrictions during the holiday travel period, as most projects have already been completed. The biggest inconvenience for drivers could be on I-94 from Kenosha to the Illinois line, where a major re-construction project is taking place.
A special speed enforcement effort will be held on Tuesday throughout the state.