Despair has turned to hope in a matter of days for those trying to locate a warming shelter for the homeless in Fond du Lac. Solutions Center Executive Director Lindee Kimball says the Parish Council of St. Paul’s Cathedral voted unanimously Sunday to make their St. Ambrose building available to shelter the homeless overnight during the winter months. She says they also learned that Agnesian HealthCare is awarding them a $10,000 matching grant to help with expenses.

Someone has already anonymously given $5,000 towards that match. Kimball says the St. Ambrose building will work out great because it’s across the street from the Solutions Center women’s shelter and just down the street from their administrative offices. There’s still plumbing and electrical work needed for the building and it needs proper zoning from the city. Last Wednesday night the Holy Family Parish Council voted to support the Solutions Centers efforts, but preferred the warming shelter not be located at the Parish’s old St. Joseph Church.

KFIZ’s Bob Nelson submitted this report

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