The House Ethics Committee has ended an investigation into whether a Wisconsin Congressman used his position for financial gain.
The panel was looking into allegations that retiring U.S. Representative Tom Petri (R-WI) took actions benefitting companies he owned stock in. The probe was launched at Petri’s own request, following news reports that questioned his advocacy for companies in his district in which he also holds stock.
In a report released this week, the committee concluded that Petri had repeatedly sought advice from staff on how he could lawfully take actions that involved entities he had a financial stake in. The committee unanimously ruled against sanctioning Petri.
In a statement, Petri thanked the committee for reaching a decision before he leaves office next month, adding that he is “glad they were able to specifically address and ultimately reject the misconceptions and inaccurate allegations” made against him.
Petri is retiring at the end of his current term, after deciding not to seek reelection earlier this year. His seat was won in November by Republican U.S. Representative-elect Glenn Grothman.