In the wake of a tragic accident on Lake Winnebago near Oshkosh over the weekend ice conditions on the lake remain unpredictable.
Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Sergeant Jeff Bonack said he checks regularly with a local fishing club. Bonack said the ice has improved since earlier in the season. “The reports he’s been giving me is that the ice seems generally okay,” he said. “That being said, our stance at the sheriff’s office is there’s never 100 percent safe ice, and there’s always a level of danger going out onto a frozen surface.”
Bonack said there all types of ice, including ‘white ice’ that has air built up in it and can be dangerous, dark solid ice which is safest or honey-combed ice which can have water moving through it. He said the fishing club he gets reports from looks for “a good foot of solid ice.”
A 40-year-old Sussex man and his 8-year-old son went through the ice Sunday with their jeep. Both Andrew and Derek Doro were taken to hospitals. They both died.