The largest immigration raid in US history is sparking action by a Wisconsin group. Three hundred-89 suspected illegal immigrants were arrested May 12th at a meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa. A vigil will be held Wednesday evening at Ascension Lutheran Church in Milwaukee as part of a nationwide vigil movement. The event host, Voces De La Frontera, believes a root cause of migrant workers is America's policy toward other countries. This includes free-trade agreements which allow multi-national corporations to under cut local producers and cause their economies to sour. Cindy Breunig, New Sanctuary Movement Coordinator with Voces, says authorities targeted the Iowa workers yet their employer Agriprocessers has not been charged."How can 270 people be given criminal charges for identity theft when the company itself who was basically facilitating this process has not been held accountable?"Voces De La Frontera's recent immigrant rights march had the largest turnout among rallies nationwide.