The state has begun the process of reviewing rules for farm equipment on roads. It’s become a big problem on many town and county roads, as farm implements have gotten bigger and heavier. “We’re trying to accommodate the industry that has changed faster than local roads could handle,” said Rick Stadelman, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Towns Association.
An Implement of Husbandry (IoH) Study Group made up of 20 individuals representing various transportation and farm organizations, equipment manufacturers, law enforcement, local officials and the University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension. The group has come up with several options that could lessen the impact on roads including:
- · Maximum width of IoH equipment of 15 feet. Equipment up to 17 feet wide may be operated without written authorization when they meet safety requirements to ensure safe passage by other road users.
- · Maximum width of IoH commercial motor vehicles of 10 feet.
- · Maximum height of 13 feet 6 inches. Equipment greater than this height may be operated without written authorization. The operator is responsible for ensuring there are no conflicts with overhead obstructions such as wires or structures.
- · Maximum length of 60 feet for single IoH equipment; 100 feet for combinations of two IoH; and 70 feet for a combination of three IoH.
- · Expanding the weight allowance for IoH up to 15 percent over the limits established by the Federal Bridge Formula, except where posted or during spring thaw.
“That would give the farmers and the manure haulers a little more flexibility without the threat of citations,” said Stadelman. Some 270 people turned out in Stratford Tuesday for the second of a series of ‘town hall’ meetings to explain the recommendations.
“A big part of what we’re trying to do is get communication between the farmers, the haulers and local communities,” said Stadelman. “Communities need to protect their investment, and farmers need to buy into this so that they can also be part of the discussion.”
Thanks to Bob Meyer, Brownfield