With record amounts of people registering, it's a good idea to sign up your phone number now on the next No Call list and beat the crowd.
The new do not call list for telemarketers, containing cell phone numbers for the first time, is effective as of New Year's Day. The next list comes out in April. Glen Loyd with Consumer Protection says you shouldn't wait until the very last minute, because the system slows down with everyone registering at the same time.
"We can handle 100,000 people signing up on one day, but it really slows the system down when you're signing up on the Internet or trying to call the toll free number to sign up."
Loyd says if you register now, it'll take about 30 seconds. Once on the list, you're protected for two years from telemarketers.
"People often forget that they're supposed to sign up every two years. Yu know, who can remember that? So we advise people to sign up every year on their birthday or some type of significant event that they'll remember."
You can sign up 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The deadline for the April list is February 28th. 1-866-9NO-CALL or visit nocall.Wisconsin.gov