On Major League Baseball’s Opening Day, Governor Tony Evers’ pitch to spend state funds on the Milwaukee Brewers’ ballpark is still viewed with caution by Republicans on the legislature’s budget panel.

“That appears to have been a plan that the governor basically negotiated with himself,” Joint Finance Committee co-chair, Representative Mark Born (R-Beaver Dam) said Thursday. Born said it doesn’t look was “any work . . .  really with anyone on this and also why it’s a plan that needs serious work.”

Evers’ budget proposal included $290 million for upgrades at American Family Field, an amount that almost certainly won’t make it into a final budget.

“The governor just kind of plopped this plan out there without any explanation, any show the real need,” said Born. “We’ve got a lot of work to do just to communicate with folks across Wisconsin about what this means or what reasonable plan might look like.”


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