Does Governor Tony Evers plan to legalize marijuana in Wisconsin have a chance to survive the budget process?
“If you want the short answer, no. I don’t believe it has a chance,” said state Senator Howard Marklein. He co-chairs the legislature’s Joint Finance committee, which will work on the budget Evers proposes next week.
“Marijuana I believe is a gateway drug,” Marklein said. “Not every person that uses marijuana ends up being an addict, but I can tell you every addict probably started with marijuana.”
The Spring Green Republican also said that legalization will increase pressure on law enforcement and social services.
“I certainly don’t think that kind of a topic should be in as part of the budget, this session anyway.”
According to Evers, legalized pot would generate about $165 million in annual revenues for the state. He wants much of that to go to local communities, and small, rural school districts.