Approval ratings for both Governor Scott Walker and President Barack Obama slip below 50 percent in Wisconsin, according to a new Marquette Law School Poll.
Poll Director Charles Franklin says Walker’s job approval in July stands at 48 percent, with 46 percent disapproval. Walker’s approval has hovered around 50 percent since the recall election in June 2012. Obama’s job approval in July is 47 percent with 46 percent disapproval.
“I think we see evidence in the poll that the economy is part of it. We see that the issue of job creation in the state is pretty important.”
Franklin says both Obama and Walker are highly polarizing, but Obama is a bit more so. “We are a pretty polarized state as it is.”
Among independents the governor has a 54 percent approval rating compared to 40 percent for the president. Overall, economic optimism has slipped in Wisconsin since May. Franklin says the national economy is a factor for both leaders, but especially the president.