U.S. Senator Ron Johnson says that President Donald Trump has done a good job of managing the federal government’s response to the global coronavirus pandemic.

“The main goal was to flatten the curve, so that we could delay people the people getting infected when a we had more effective therapies, which we have now,” The Wisconsin Republican said. “I mean President Trump’s living proof of that. We’ve got some pretty effective therapies. We’ve learned how to cope with this disease.”

Johnson made his comments during Your Talk Show,” on Janesville radio station WCLO Thursday morning. Also Thursday, Wisconsin recorded new single day records of 3,747 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 1,043 hospitalized patients and 17 additional deaths.

“By flattening the curve, delaying people getting infected, now that were more effective therapies, hopefully we’ll have a vaccine in the next couple of months,” Johnson said. “I give the administration a great deal of credit of squeezing every degree of inefficiency out of the vaccine development process.”

While Governor Tony Evers said that President Trump’s “inconsistency” on messaging about COVID-19 “has not helped,” to slow the spread of the virus, Johnson maintained the president has done a good job.

“The president does not get credit, because the mainstream media just wants to beat up on him. He’s been very straightforward with the American public, he’s been very transparent,” the Senator said. “I mean for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to say ‘oh he lied,’ what did he lie about. He tried to make sure that we didn’t panic.”


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