Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson is suing the Obama administration. At the heart of Johnson’s lawsuit is what he says is the Obama administration’s special treatment of Congress and its staff, restoring tax preferred congressional health care subsidies that the Affordable Care Act eliminated for everyone else.

“Congress made a big show that they were going to be happy to subject themselves to the law, then as the implementation of Obamacare became pretty clear they realized that they weren’t going to like the results, so they went right to President Obama to get him to change the law, and basically grant a tax preferred employer contribution when they purchased their health care through the exchange,” Johnson said. “I’m not opposed to employer contributions, I’m opposed to the special tax treatmenet, and oh by the way, what I’m really opposed to is this president . . . changing the law by presidential fiat or decree.”

The Justice Department has asked a federal judge in Wisconsin to dismiss Johnson’s lawsuit, but the Republican remains hopeful. “I’m hoping the judiciary understands how crucial it is for them to get involved in these constitutional issues, these seperation of powers issues, and just give us our day in court,” he said.

Thirty-eight Republican lawmakers, including Senators Ted Cruz and John McCain, have joined Johnson’s suit against the federal Office of Personnel Management.


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